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New food industrial park to be established in Harbin

Updated : 2022-05-27

By ( e.my399.com )

Harbin New Zone in China's northernmost Heilongjiang province and the city of Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong province held a meeting on May 25 to discuss co-building the Shenzhen International Food Valley Harbin Industrial Park.
This follows a strategic cooperation agreement signed by the Shenzhen market regulation bureau and the Harbin New Zone administrative committee in December 2021.
According to the meeting, efforts will be made to build a scientific and technological innovation system for the food industrial chain in Harbin.
The two sides will jointly build the Harbin park into Heilongjiang's food technology innovation center, a Shenzhen-Harbin food science and technology achievement transformation center, a food industry financial center in Northeast China, and a high-quality food technology innovation center in China. It is expected to provide "Heilongjiang solutions" for the development of China's green food industry.
Moreover, the two parties will promote technological cooperation among advanced agricultural and food enterprises, university research institutes, scientific research institutions, and high-level R&D teams in Shenzhen and Harbin and work to build an agricultural breeding base, an agricultural science and technology demonstration base, a planting demonstration base, and an agricultural tourism demonstration base.
Elsewhere, with the help of preferential tax policies and talent introduction policies in Harbin New Area, the Harbin industrial park will work to attract talent from both Shenzhen and Harbin to provide intelligent support for the development of agricultural enterprises.

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