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Two new industrial parks unveil nameplates in Harbin

Updated : 2022-09-19

By ( e.my399.com )

A digital economy industrial park and a bio-economy industrial park unveiled their nameplates in the Harbin New Zone in Harbin, capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province, according to an announcement at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Heilongjiang Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week on Sept 15.
The move is expected to help the Harbin New Area build a modern industrial system.
According to the plan, the digital economy industrial park will lead Heilongjiang in creating a digital economy innovation leading area, an industrial cluster area, an application pilot area and a development demonstration area in a bid to boost the rapid and high-quality development of the digital economy there.
The industrial park is committed to building a "1+1+1" digital economic achievement transformation mechanism represented by "universities/institutes + industrial parks + enterprises", and breaking through the bottleneck of cutting-edge technologies.
To achieve such goals, it will attract well-known enterprises such as Huawei, ZTE, EVOC, Inovance and Technology to participate in the digital economy industry in Harbin.
Meanwhile, the industrial park plans to incentivize Shenzhen enterprises to carry out digital and intelligent cooperation with Harbin Electric Boiler, Harbin Electric Motor and Harbin Electric Steam Turbine.
Additionally, the new bio-economy industrial park will focus on the frontiers of biotechnology and industrial technology needs and build a bio-industry agglomeration demonstration area, a biotechnology innovation leading area, a core area for biotechnology transformation, and a pioneering area for biological policy exploration.
In particular, it will build a large-scale health biomedical base, a biological gene and cell innovation base in Northeast Asia, and a low-carbon biomass utilization base.

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.