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Harbin, Ukraine to further deepen business cooperation

Updated : 2020-12-04

By ( e.my399.com )

An economic and trade investment meeting between Ukraine and Harbin, the capital city of China’s northernmost Heilongjiang province, was held in Beijing on Dec 2.

The persons in charge of the relevant departments of Harbin city, as well as representatives of Chinese and Ukrainian industrial and commercial circles, attended the meeting on-site, and local Ukrainian companies participated in the conference online.

The meeting elected seven companies as the vice-chairman units of the Chinese Committee of the China-Ukraine Business Council. It announced the establishment of the Harbin Local Liaison Office of the China-Ukraine Business Council.

Meanwhile, four enterprises from Harbin signed cooperation agreements with Ukrainian chambers of commerce and enterprises to promote international cooperation projects.

The Harbin Council for the Promotion of International Trade also signed agreements with the China Chamber of International Commerce and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine on holding the "2021 World Top 500 Enterprises Entering Harbin Conference" and promoting exchanges and cooperation between member enterprises.

Sergiy Kamyshev, Ukrainian Ambassador to China, delivered a speech at the meeting, saying that the Ukrainian Embassy will do its utmost to continue to strengthen local exchanges and cooperation, especially to reinforce connections and collaboration with Harbin in agriculture, trade, culture and sports.

Harbin Mayor Sun Zhe echoed the Ukrainian ambassador's proposals and expressed his hopes that the two sides could open up a broader space for cooperation between the companies of the two countries. He added that there is an excellent foundation for collaboration between Harbin and Ukraine in the fields of modern agriculture, environmental protection and equipment manufacturing.

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