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Harbin looks at more projects with international music body

Updated : 2021-07-27

By ( e.my399.com )

Harbin – capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province – is exploring doing further music projects with the Geneva-based World Federation of International Music Competitions, expanding on their existing cooperation.
Harbin Mayor Sun Zhe held talks with federation chairman Peter Kainrath, during a video conference on July 19. Sun expressed his gratitude to the federation for approving the Harbin Schoenfield String Competition as a member of its alliance in 2017. 
The competition has been successfully in the city three times now. The event has reportedly not only been extremely successful, but has also become something of a cultural calling card of Harbin, known as a city of music.
Sun urged both parties to share their musical resources, examine the potential to do more work together, communicate closely and continue to expand exchanges. Plans are for them to cooperate in the organization of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the World Federation of International Music Competitions.
Municipal government departments in Harbin will be instructed to beef up their communications and coordination with the federation and organize special seminars, music master classes, cultural and art industry promotion conferences and other activities -- through online and offline means, to ensure the complete success of the events.
The music federation's Kainrath said his body was keen to continue friendly and close relations with Harbin. He said it would tap its strengths and expertise and conduct wide-ranging exchanges with Harbin in music and in other fields. 
Kainrath added that he would introduce Harbin to other cities in the federation -- and invite them to appreciate the charms of Harbin, learn from each other and develop more projects.

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