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Harbin environmental treatment sees results

Updated : 2021-08-02

By ( e.my399.com )

Green blankets the basin of the Harbin section of the Songhua River. [Photo/MY399.COM]

Environmental treatment in Harbin, capital of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province, has  made some significant achievements.

In recent years, Harbin has continued to treat key water systems under its jurisdiction, with around 2,000 sites involving garbage disposal, illegal building construction, enterprise operation and breeding being removed or upgraded.

A total of 20 sewage treatment projects along Qunli West and Ashi River started construction, and a drain pipeline network with a length of 40.06 kilometers has been renovated.

Meanwhile, the urban sewage treatment rate in Harbin has reached 95.23 percent.

Ammonia and nitrogen, the main pollutants of the Harbin section of the Songhua River, witnessed a 67 percent decrease compared to 2015.

The water quality of the city's 13 national examination river sections and lakes all reached quality standards, with 84.62 percent rated as "good" or "excellent".

In addition to pollution treatment, Harbin rehabilitated 32,200 mu of degraded forests, established a water and soil erosion management area of 4.88 million mu, and built three medium-sized reservoirs.

It also established 15 nature reserves and 48 nature parks, completed 6,000 hectares of wetland restoration, and established eight provincial-level wetland nature reserves and 16 wetland parks, with its total wetland area reaching 198,700 hectares.


Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.