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Harbin invests $10.2m on road noise dampening measures

Updated : 2019-07-17

By ( chinadaily.com.cn )

The government of Harbin will invest 70 million yuan ($10.2 million) to install noise reduction measures along roads with heavy traffic flow in a three-year period, Xinhua reported.

The project is targeted at roads running past neighborhood schools, hospitals and residential communities that suffer from noise problems.

A total of two road sections have been included in the plan, including the 6.5 kilometer-long Wenchang overpass which starts at Chenggong Qipei and ends at Xuanhua Street, and the 800-meter long Gongbin overpass that starts at Zhongshan Road and ends at Caiyi Street.

Noise reduction measures in the urban area of Harbin have been introduced since last year, officials said.

Several residential communities along Xuanhua Street, Harbin’s Third Rind Road and Chengxiang Road have benefited from the noise dampening initiatives for a much quieter living environment.

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A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.