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Sundog fantasies in Harbin city

Updated : 2023-03-03

By ( e.my399.com )

A solar halo (also known as a sundog) appeared over Harbin, the capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province, on March 2.
Such halos are an optical phenomenon produced by light interacting with ice crystals that are suspended in the atmosphere.
This fantastical phenomenon has lured photography lovers to capture photos.
A solar halo is captured appearing over Harbin, the capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province on March 2. [Photo/Harbin news network]
A solar halo is captured appearing over Harbin, the capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province on March 2. [Photo/Harbin news network]
A solar halo is captured appearing over Harbin, the capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province on March 2. [Photo/Harbin news network]

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.