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AI sparks heated discussion at China Entrepreneurs Forum 

Updated : 2024-02-27

By ( e.my399.com )

During the 24th annual meeting of the China Entrepreneurs Forum, held from Feb 23 to 25 in Harbin's Yabuli town, entrepreneurs spent a significant amount of time sharing their perspectives and insights on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in China.
"During the conference, I've had a strong realization that our internet companies in the field of AI have already been completely defined as traditional enterprises," remarked Yao Jinbo, CEO of 58.com, a domestic daily life service platform.
He expressed that everyone is discussing AI, emphasizing that it's no longer just a vision; it has already brought benefits to enterprises by enhancing work efficiency and reducing costs.
Regarding the exploration and development of AI, Yao eagerly anticipates collaborating with more enterprises.
He believes that 2024 is the year that more Chinese enterprises will go global, particularly when it is related to the innovative development of AI. Chinese engineers, in his view, are more likely to gain international recognition on the global stage in the field of AI.
Zhang Hongjiang, director of the academic advisory committee of the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, expressed that AI big models’ understanding of the physical world is staggering.
Zhang believes that in the future, internet companies without big models will no longer be considered platform companies.
The application of big models does not rely on repetitive training to complete an operation, but rather on autonomous learning to understand how to achieve the users' goals.
"We see the potential that big models have in future applications, especially when it comes to understanding the physical world," Zhang remarked.

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