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Memorandum of cooperation signed between Red Cross Society of China and 9th Asian Winter Games

Updated : 2024-06-28

By ( e.my399.com )

A meeting between the Red Cross Society of China and the Organizing Committee of the 9th Asian Winter Games is held on June 26. [Photo/Ice City Plus]
The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Red Cross Society of China and the Organizing Committee of the 9th Asian Winter Games was held in Harbin on June 26, marking the official commencement of the society's involvement in the preparations for the Games.
Sun Shuopeng, Red Cross Society of China’s vice president, and Wang Hesheng, secretary-general of the Organizing Committee of the 9th Asian Winter Games, attended the ceremony and jointly signed the memorandum of cooperation.
According to the memorandum, the Red Cross Society of China will leverage its strengths and closely collaborate with the Games' organizing committee.

Representatives of the Red Cross Society of China and the Organizing Committee of the 9th Asian Winter Games shake hands at the signing ceremony. [Photo/Ice City Plus]
Through activities such as emergency rescue training, mass emergency drills, volunteer services, and the establishment of Red Cross first aid stations, the Red Cross Society of China will provide timely assistance to individuals in need of medical aid within the Asian Winter Games office area and outside the competition venues.
This initiative aims to showcase the society's emergency medical services on-site, demonstrate the spirit of Chinese volunteers to the world, and present a harmonious blend of humanitarianism and the Olympic spirit at the ice and snow sports event.

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