
Harbin Central Avenue

Updated : 2020-04-22

By ( e.my399.com )

Tel: +86-451-87650401

Recommended tour time: 1-3 hours

Traffic: Take No 53、113、114 and 126 buses and get off at Central Avenue Station

Ticket: free

Open hour: all day

How many times have you freely walk through the street full of foreign expression of 19th century? The road, paved with 999,999 square stone blocks, witness the assumption and step-out in the history of city. Between the graceful buildings standing on the either side of street, there is sign of hardness of times. Here, you can taste, slowly, the remaining of the 100-years-old street. For sure, the resplendence in the past will trigger innumerable illustration. Today,the street is in use in the real life.



Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.