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More moves to protect Harbin historical, cultural block

Updated : 2020-07-08

By ( e.my399.com )

In order to strengthen the protection and management of the historical and cultural blocks in Harbin, the local government has acted, according to local officials.

They said that the natural resources and planning bureau of Harbin recently finished putting together a white paper called the "Daowai Traditional Historical and Cultural Block Protection Plan" and is now soliciting opinions from the public.

Under the proposals, the existing Daowai Traditional Historical and Cultural Block will be incorporated into an upgraded Harbin urban area and a historical and culture block that will be a top travel destination for northern China.

The block is located in the middle of Daowai district in Harbin city. It covers 47 hectares and comprises a 20-hectare core protection area and a 27-hectare construction control area.

No new construction or expansion activities are allowed within the core protected area. However, construction and expansion of necessary infrastructure and public service facilities are excluded from that provision.

The height, volume, color, and style of newly-built, rebuilt and expanded buildings and structures in the controlled construction zone must be stylistically compatible with the old historical and cultural block.

Officials said that buildings that have been declared as cultural relics protection units and buildings that have been registered as immovable cultural relics, will be strictly protected in accordance with the cultural relics protection law.

Historical buildings – and those to be included on the historical buildings list in the block – will be repaired in accordance with the requirements for the protection of historical buildings in the Regulations on the Protection of Historic Towns and Famous Villages.


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