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Icemen on the frozen surface of Songhua River

Updated : 2016-12-12

By Wang Wei ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Several icemen collect ice on the surface of the Songhua River in Harbin, Heilongjiang province on Dec 9, 2016. Hundreds of icemen come to the most northern capital city in China to cut and deliver ice on from the frozen surface of Songhua River. These ice cubes will be used for building ice sculptures. The ice collection season usually lasts for about 20 days, and these icemen canould earn around 200 yuan ($28.9) to 300 yuan perevery day. The ice cubes collected by these icemen often measure can be as large as 1.6 meters long, 0.8 meters wide and 0.4 meters high. More than 300,000 such ice cubes will be collected for the well-known “Ice and Snow World” park, which needs a total of 180,000 cubic meters of ice every year. [Photo/Xinhua]

Several icemen collect ice on the surface of the Songhua River in Harbin, Heilongjiang province on Dec 9, 2016. Hundreds of icemen come to the most northern capital city in China to cut and deliver ice on from the frozen surface of Songhua River. These ice cubes will be used for building ice sculptures. The ice collection season usually lasts for about 20 days, and these icemen canould earn around 200 yuan ($28.9) to 300 yuan perevery day. The ice cubes collected by these icemen often measure can be as large as 1.6 meters long, 0.8 meters wide and 0.4 meters high. More than 300,000 such ice cubes will be collected for the well-known “Ice and Snow World” park, which needs a total of 180,000 cubic meters of ice every year. [Photo/Xinhua]

Several icemen collect ice on the surface of the Songhua River in Harbin, Heilongjiang province on Dec 9, 2016. Hundreds of icemen come to the most northern capital city in China to cut and deliver ice on from the frozen surface of Songhua River. These ice cubes will be used for building ice sculptures. The ice collection season usually lasts for about 20 days, and these icemen canould earn around 200 yuan ($28.9) to 300 yuan perevery day. The ice cubes collected by these icemen often measure can be as large as 1.6 meters long, 0.8 meters wide and 0.4 meters high. More than 300,000 such ice cubes will be collected for the well-known “Ice and Snow World” park, which needs a total of 180,000 cubic meters of ice every year. [Photo/Xinhua]

Several icemen collect ice on the surface of the Songhua River in Harbin, Heilongjiang province on Dec 9, 2016. Hundreds of icemen come to the most northern capital city in China to cut and deliver ice on from the frozen surface of Songhua River. These ice cubes will be used for building ice sculptures. The ice collection season usually lasts for about 20 days, and these icemen canould earn around 200 yuan ($28.9) to 300 yuan perevery day. The ice cubes collected by these icemen often measure can be as large as 1.6 meters long, 0.8 meters wide and 0.4 meters high. More than 300,000 such ice cubes will be collected for the well-known “Ice and Snow World” park, which needs a total of 180,000 cubic meters of ice every year. [Photo/Xinhua]

Several icemen collect ice on the surface of the Songhua River in Harbin, Heilongjiang province on Dec 9, 2016. Hundreds of icemen come to the most northern capital city in China to cut and deliver ice on from the frozen surface of Songhua River. These ice cubes will be used for building ice sculptures. The ice collection season usually lasts for about 20 days, and these icemen canould earn around 200 yuan ($28.9) to 300 yuan perevery day. The ice cubes collected by these icemen often measure can be as large as 1.6 meters long, 0.8 meters wide and 0.4 meters high. More than 300,000 such ice cubes will be collected for the well-known “Ice and Snow World” park, which needs a total of 180,000 cubic meters of ice every year. [Photo/Xinhua]

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