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Migratory birds return to Harbin

Updated : 2024-03-22

By ( e.my399.com )

With the arrival of spring, many migratory birds have already flown back to Harbin, the capital of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province.
Along the urban section of the Songhua River, Hejiagou, and the riverside of Songbei Binshui Avenue, the "vanguard" of northbound migratory birds has appeared, heralding the arrival of spring.
Among these early birds, wild ducks are particularly numerous.
Migratory birds frolic in a river in Harbin. [Photo/Ice City Plus]

Migratory birds rest in a river in Harbin. [Photo/Ice City Plus]

A migratory bird searches for food in a field in Harbin. [Photo/Ice City Plus]

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