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Harbin Customs launches measures to boost FTZ’s development

Updated : 2020-06-17

By ( e.my399.com )

Harbin Customs recently launched a series of 12 measures designed to support the development of the Harbin area of the China Heilongjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, according to local customs authorities.

The measures target promoting the transformation and upgrade of trade, supporting the development of emerging industries and helping the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative in the capital city of China’s northernmost Heilongjiang province.

Under the newly-launched measures, the local customs office will introduce a smart declaration system for the Harbin free trade zone, which will allow businesses in the Harbin FTZ to benefit from one-stop customs clearance.

Officials said Harbin Customs will streamline its inspection and supervision model. This will allow companies importing raw materials for specific industries and specific uses to utilize their enterprise quality declarations as the basis for a quick customs release.

For those exporting bulk commodities, test results issued by company laboratories that meet certain requirements can be used as the basis for customs release.

Officials said Harbin Customs will also build a services system that will specifically support the development of the cross-border e-commerce retail commodity import and export business in the comprehensive bonded zone. The office will set up a display trading center and establish an inspection unit for retail e-commerce products.

In another move to support the FTZ's development, cultural relics and artworks imported for display in the zone will enjoy tax breaks, to boost the annual Harbin China-Russia Expo, Heilongjiang Green Food Industry Expo and Heilongjiang Rice Festival.

Officials said that in cooperation with the Suifenhe and Heihe FTZs, the Harbin FTZ will also explore the potential import and processing of Chinese herbal medicines and communications equipment.

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