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NE China stand-out in community-building

Updated : 2015-04-30

By Wang Zhen ( e.my399.com )

The city of Harbin, Heilongjiang province, a hub in northeastern China, has received a China model city award for its community-building, according to a recent Civil Affairs Ministry’s report.

The city, which joined 13 others in getting the recognition, had to pass an evaluation based on 59 indices that measure the management quality, information services and overall community work.

Harbin’s leaders say they have made every effort to improve their services, entertainment, facilities, and medical care, and to set up a community-based information site for the convenience of residents.

And, thanks to their integration of public services in the community, it has received praise from the Ministry, which called it “an innovative way to maximize public services for the general good”.

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.