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Stricter measures on air pollution in Harbin

Updated : 2015-06-02

By ( e.my399.com )

The city of Harbin, Heilongjiang province, has just finished an inspection drive, its industry and information technology commission reports, explaining that it examined the energy consumption of 99 key enterprises across 19 industries including electric power, heating, non-metallic minerals, petroleum processing, chemical raw materials, and medicines.

The commission says that more attention is being given to energy intensive industries, such as cement and steel, to ensure that the city’s air pollution controls are followed and that they will examine coal-burning boilers in 10 of the 99 enterprises and could order them to shut in case of low energy efficiency.

In addition, more companies will be asked to get rid of outmoded boilers and electric motors.

One city official said that they had taken the lead in key enterprise emissions and energy controls through data collection and analyses and that a total of 106 companies had registered for the study.

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