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Harbin to get 72-hour visa-free policy

Updated : 2015-07-31

By ( e.my399.com )

Harbin has announced plans to start a 72-hour visa-free stay to allow people from 51 designated countries and regions to spend three days in the city if their passport has a third-country visa and they have onward flight tickets.

This news comes from a July 27 provincial press conference, in Harbin, where it was reported that the decision came from China’s State Council in March, pertaining to passengers transiting Harbin’s Taiping International Airport, provided they have valid international travel documents.

The 72-hour stay is also limited to the region administered by the city, but, anyone wanting to stay for more than 72 hours or leave the region, especially for unusual circumstances, can apply for a visa in Harbin at a public security office.

The city says it is also working on travel routes for those with different interests, such as an ecological tour for Russians, historical tour for visitors from Japan and South Korea, or ice and snow tours for Thais, with Wang Jing, a tourism researcher, saying that he believes the policy will give Harbin tourism a boost along with consumer spending on shopping and accommodations, and give the city more global recognition.

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.