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Harbin - St Petersburg air route starts operating

Updated : 2016-04-19

By ( e.my399.com )

As of April 17, Russia’s Urals Airlines is operating its new Harbin-St Petersburg route with a stopover in Yekaterinburg, giving Harbin’s Taiping International Airport its 11th flight to Russia, according to the marketing manager of the Heilonjiang Airport Group, in response to the increased business and tourism travel between the two countries.
The plane, an Airbus A320, leaves every Saturday at 23:55 from Harbin, arriving at Yekaterinburg at 03:35, then departs for St Petersburg at 06:05, and arrives there at 07:00. The return flight is scheduled for 14:30 from St Petersburg, with the arrival to Yekaterinburg at 19:15 and 20:45 flight to Harbin, where it will land at 05:40.