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Harbin officials urge cooperation with CMGB

Updated : 2016-12-01

By Wang Wei ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Jia Jiantao, the vice mayor of Harbin, Heilongjiang province, met with Lu Jin, director general of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau (CMGB) on Nov 29.

Jia welcomed Lu and the delegation from CMGB. Jia said that Harbin is rich in agricultural resources and has a solid industrial base. Harbin also tops the list in the availability of skilled professionals, with particular strengths in science and technology, according to Jia.

Jia expressed his hopes that the CMGB will actively participate in the development of Harbin’s geographical information industry, intelligent city building program and the exploitation of mineral resources. Jia claimed that Harbin will provide services for CMGB to carry out such projects.

"Harbin has a forward-looking strategic mindset and pragmatic attitude to its economic development,” Lu said.

He also said that CMGB is willing to conduct further cooperation with Harbin in the sector of geographical information, a good example of cooperation between a Chinese State-owned firm and a city, achieving positive results for both sides.

After the meeting, Harbin municipal government singed a strategic cooperation agreement with the CMGB and Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). Meanwhile, Harbin Daoli district government signed an investment proposal with China Zhengyuan Geomatics Co Ltd and the national sci-tech park of HIT.