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Harbin to modernize school buildings

Updated : 2016-12-29

By Wang Wei ( chinadaily.com.cn )

The Harbin government has issued standards for school buildings and the installation of education equipment to create a better layout for schools in the city.

The government has encouraged schools to build school restaurants, theatres and lecture halls to meet to the needs of education reform.

Classrooms and facilities for students to listen to optional courses, and record and broadcast lessons have also been proposed to be built.

All schools are asked to provide heat through electrothermal film instead of arcolas. Schools are encouraged to protect the environment and make every effort to meet the safety standards of environmental protection.

Primary and secondary schools will provide warm boiled water for their students, with water heater rooms added in the public areas of teaching buildings.

To protect student eyesight, eye-protection lamps will also be installed in classrooms, changing from illumination lamps.