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Harbin enacts measures to promote innovation

Updated : 2017-02-08

By Wang Wei ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Harbin has issued guidance to deepen reforms to scientific and technological research, and to promote the commercialization of research finds.

By 2020, the number of annual patent applications will increase by more than 10 percent, according to the guidance. By then, Harbin will be among the country’s top cities for innovation.

Scientific and technological personnel from colleges and research institutions will be allowed to carry out research and development work in companies, according to the guidance.

Measures have been enacted to encourage people and companies to promote Harbin’s industrial transformation and upgrading.

Companies which have been awarded for their achievements in innovation will be given bonuses of 5 million yuan ($727,000).

Highly-skilled personnel who start businesses in Harbin will be given a subsidy of at least 50,000 yuan.

For business incubators that set up a branch in Harbin, 500,000 yuan will be given as an operation cost subsidy every year for the first three years.