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Street art brings Harbin’s Pingfang district to life

Updated : 2017-06-09

By Wang Wei ( chinadaily.com.cn )

A man paints a picture on the wall of a building in Pingfang district, Harbin on Jun 6. [Photo/my399.com]

Two people decorate a wall in Harbin’s Pingfang district on June 6. [Photo/my399.com]

A group of tourists take pictures of a hand-painted wall in Pingfang district, Harbin on June 6. [Photo/my399.com]

A wall-painting project was recently initiated by the Pingfang district civilization office. According to the plans for the project, pictures will be painted on the walls of residential areas, government buildings and factories.

Skilled painters are being encouraged to take part in the project, including local residents, students, volunteers and famous artists.

Any picture that reflects the achievements of the local government is especially welcome. Also, pictures are encouraged to demonstrate people’s spirit of determination in study and work.

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