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Acheng Engraving Art Park creates harmonious atmosphere

Updated : 2017-08-01

By Wang Wei ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Acheng Engraving Art Park is a public culture service demonstration project established by the Ministry of Culture. It's a professional art institution and public culture service venue dedicated to free public exhibitions of engravings.


The park has four centers, one each for engraving art exhibitions, an engraving art museum, engraving art creation and engraving art training. There are exhibition halls, museums, studios, printing rooms, multi-functional halls and collection rooms in the park.


The engraving art museum and gallery exhibition halls are free to the public and are open at least 42 hours each week.


Using engraving art as a medium, Acheng Engraving Art Park has been cultivating socialist core values and creating a polite and harmonious atmosphere.

1. Engraving art on socialist core values

Sixty-four Acheng engravings were selected to be used in public service advertisements. Their appearance in various forms across the country has cultivated people's morality and conveyed a positive and patriotic image. This nation-wide publicity has proved the value of Acheng engravings.


2. Engraving art tutorial sessions provided by volunteers

The Acheng Engraving Art Park has recruited more than 30 culture volunteers who spread knowledge and hope using their special knowledge and dedication. These volunteers bring art and joy to people's lives and serve as tutors and interpreters in cultural expansion.


Acheng engraving art not only has artistic beauty and culture connotations, but also enjoys high social value and impact. Its presence on Ashi Square has a positive influence on people's moral values and has fostered a harmonious society; this is its true beauty and value.

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