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Harbin establishes key body to protect wetlands

Updated : 2020-11-06

By ( e.my399.com )

An association was recently established in Harbin, capital city of China’s northernmost Heilongjiang province, to protect the city’s wetlands.

The Articles of Harbin Wetland Protection Association were reviewed and passed at a meeting held in the Harbin Songbei National Wetland Park.

The newly established Harbin Wetland Protection Association also received a letter of congratulations from the China Wetlands Association.

The association aims to unite a group of enterprises, experts, managers and enthusiasts committed to ecological and wetlands protection in the region.

It aims to undertake ecological and environmental wetlands protection and development activities and to provide suggestions on wetlands protection planning, policies and regulations for relevant government departments.

Harbin was voted as one of the first several “International Wetland Cities” at the 54th meeting of the standing committee of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat in August 2018.

The appellation “International Wetland City” is the highest honor a city can achieve in protecting its wetlands. It’s a voluntary scheme launched in June 2017 by the Convention to improve the awareness of cities about wetlands protection and reasonable use; and to advance the construction of a modern civilization in harmony with its ecological heritage in China.

Harbin was nominated for its rich wetland resources, as well as its strong protection and management of its wetlands.

Harbin’s wetlands cover over 300,000 hectares, accounting for 5.6 percent of its total territory. The wetlands in the urban areas of Harbin account for 13.53 percent of the total, much higher than the minimum standard for nomination.

In addition, Harbin has eight provincial-level wetlands reserve zones, covering an area of 108,508 hectares.

Harbin also has another 16 wetland parks, including the Sun Island scenic spot, Hulanhekou Wetland Park and the Jinhewan scenic spot.

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A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.