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Digital collections showcase Harbin city's winter beauty

Updated : 2022-12-26

By ( e.my399.com )

Known as the "Ice City", Harbin - located in China's northernmost Heilongjiang province - launched four digital collections on the theme of ice and snow culture, at a news conference in Beijing on Dec 26, for the 39th China·Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival.
The digital collections use blockchain technology to generate unique digital certificates corresponding to specific works and artworks. In so doing, they realize digital distribution, purchases and collections on the basis of protecting their digital copyrights.
The Yabuli Ski Tourist Resort, Harbin Ice and Snow World, the Sun Island International Snow Sculpture Art Expo and Volga Manor that are involved are dedicated venues and events for domestic and international tourists. They are representative of Harbin's ice and snow culture and art.
Yabuli is a well-known ski resort with a winter snow resource retention period of up to 170 days and it has more than 50 ski runs at all levels of difficulty. Every winter, ski lovers and tourists from all over the world go there to enjoy the speed and passion of the world of ice and snow.
Harbin Ice and Snow World was born in 1999 as a large-scale, boutique ice and snow art project. It is located in the west area of the 5A-level Sun Island scenic area and it has been held for 23 sessions so far - receiving more than one million tourists every year.

The Sun Island International Snow Sculpture Art Expo is a winter amusement park, known for being the originator of modern art of Chinese snow sculpture. It was established in 1989.
Volga Manor is located on the banks of the Ash River in the suburbs of Harbin, covering an area of 600,000 square meters. It is a national 4A-level cultural and tourism scenic spot based on the history of Harbin - themed on Russian culture and it is also a Sino-Russian cultural exchange base.

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.