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Harbin provides range of housing subsidies

Updated : 2023-02-08

By ( e.my399.com )

To further promote the steady, healthy development of the real estate market in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, the city government recently published a series of favorable measures for certain homebuyers, according to a notice released on Monday.
According to the notice, by the end of the year families with a registered residence in Harbin that have a second or third child born after Oct 29, 2021, will receive a subsidy of up to 20,000 yuan ($2,950) when they buy their first house or a second newly built house in one of the nine districts of the main urban area.
People who have signed employment contracts or service agreements with employers in Harbin, as well as those who are self-employed and under the age of 40, will receive a subsidy based on educational qualifications — 100,000 yuan for a doctorate, 50,000 yuan for the master's degree and 30,000 yuan for a college or technical college graduate.
Those who have no registered residence of Harbin will also be eligible for a subsidy of 10,000 yuan when they buy their first house or a second newly built house in one of the nine districts of the main urban area.
On the premise of ensuring the mortgage value of the house, the term of housing provident fund loans for secondhand housing will be increased from 20 years to 30 years, the notice said.

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.