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Annual session of Harbin People's Congress concludes

Updated : 2024-02-06

By ( e.my399.com )

On the morning of Feb 5, the closing ceremony for the third session of the 16th Harbin Municipal People's Congress was held at the Harbin International Conference Center, with 545 deputies in attendance.
During the session, decisions were made regarding the acceptance of the resignation requests from some members of the Standing Committee of 16th Harbin Municipal People's Congress, and the appointment of the chief scrutineer and scrutineers for the third session of the 16th Harbin Municipal People's Congress.
The assembly also conducted supplementary elections for the Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the 16th Harbin Municipal People's Congress and certain committee members.
Resolutions were passed on various important matters, including the government work report, the execution of the 2023 national economic and social development plan, the 2024 national economic and social development plan, the execution of the 2023 budget, and the 2024 budget. Other work that was reviewed during the session included the work report of the Standing Committee of the 16th Harbin Municipal People's Congress, and work reports from the Harbin Intermediate People's Court and the Harbin People's Procuratorate.
Furthermore, the assembly approved the list of chairpersons for specialized committees of the 16th Harbin Municipal People's Congress.
Lastly, the session disclosed the Harbin municipal government's livelihood projects for 2024, which were determined and supervised through the voting.

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