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New quality productive forces become hot topic among Harbin NPC deputies

Updated : 2024-03-06

By ( e.my399.com )

The Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) commenced at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 5. Deputies from Harbin city, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province attended the meeting and earnestly listened to the reports.
The emergence of new quality productive forces, as outlined in the government work report, became the focal point of discussion for Li Yin, an NPC deputy and the chairman of Harbin Jiuzhou Group, a privately-owned enterprise in Harbin city.
In Li’s opinion, new quality productive forces fully leverage innovation, use technological innovation to propel industrial innovation, and accelerate the advancement of new industrialization. They should also enhance overall factor productivity, continuously shape new development momentum and advantages, and improve social productive forces.
He believes that expediting the formation of new quality productive forces requires collaborative efforts from various sectors such as policy and industry.
Li provided insights based on his company's experience. He stated, "Jiuzhou Group is a technology company focused on intelligent electrical and green energy. The company is committed to achieving 'smart electricity and interconnected energy' through technological innovation."
To achieve this, Jiuzhou Group aims to pursue a path of new industrialization that features high technological content, good economic benefits, low resource consumption, minimal environmental pollution, and the full utilization of advantageous human resources. "Heilongjiang's future potential lies in the industrial sector," Li remarked.
He urged private entrepreneurs in Heilongjiang to set their sights towards new industrialization, adhere to real industries, focus on core businesses, and seize significant opportunities for advancing new industrialization at the national and provincial levels. 

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