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Eurasian spoonbills spotted in Harbin

Updated : 2024-04-08

By ( e.my399.com )

A group of Eurasian spoonbills is spotted in the Songhua River wetland, within the jurisdiction of Bayan county. [Photo/Harbin News Network]
As the spring gently thaws the remnants of winter, migratory birds have returned to Harbin, the capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province.
In particular, a group of nationally protected Eurasian spoonbills have found a temporary haven in the Songhua River wetland, which is within the jurisdiction of Bayan county.
The Eurasian spoonbill, a large wading bird, is known for its resemblance to the Chinese musical instrument, the pipa.

A group of Eurasian spoonbills is spotted in the Songhua River wetlands, within the jurisdiction of Bayan county. [Photo/Harbin News Network]
Recognized for its captivating appearance and elegant posture, the Eurasian spoonbill is now classified as a nationally protected species, with an estimated global population ranging from 60,000 to 140,000.
Their current presence is likely a brief stopover during their long migratory journey. Typically, they stay for around three to four days before continuing their flight.

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