
College skybridges make winter commute comfortable

Updated : 2023-11-08

By ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Cold temperatures, biting wind, heavy snow and slippery roads are the common challenges that trouble or even interrupt winter commutes. However, for students and faculty at a college in Northeast China, who have been severely affected by the recent cold wave and blizzard, their commute has been made easy, warm and safe thanks to the newly built skywalks on campus.

In the northeastern region, students have been sharing their challenging experiences of walking to classrooms, cafeterias, dormitories, and other school facilities in snowy weather on social media. This has created an online sensation, as the region has been grappling with the first cold wave of the winter season since Nov 5, which still lingers, causing a temperature drop of 6 to 8 degrees Celsius and snow accumulation of over 30 centimeters in some areas.

Some online videos depict students wearing thick coats struggling against strong winds, and even falling heavily on their way. In some instances, students have resorted to skiing to reach their classes.

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