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  • 'Intelligent communities' rise in tech zone


    After years of development, the Harbin Economic and Technological Development Zone has become a powerful engine driving economic growth in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province.

  • Key industries targeted for city upgrade


    Authorities in Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang province, are looking to make breakthroughs in industrial restructuring by strengthening six competitive industries.

  • Robot makers positive amid rising labor costs


    A leading industry player, Harbin Boshi Automation Co Ltd aims to boost China's robot industry through independent innovation.

  • Sino-Russian ties help Heihe thrive


    Russia is seeking more business opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region, especially China, which means more opportunities for the city's development.

  • Allure of a more livable city


    Local authorities in Harbin are making the capital of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province a better place to visit and live.

  • Province focuses on organic foods, ecotourism


    With its abundant natural resources and good ecology, Heilongjiang province is gearing up to develop organic food and ecotourism industries.

  • A Sino-Russian-Sino transport channel opens in China


    The cross-border inland trade transportation refers to transporting goods from one city to another through a foreign transfer station, which is expected to release the pressure of inland transportation.

  • 'Intelligent communities' rise in tech zone


    After years of development, the Harbin Economic and Technological Development Zone has become a powerful engine driving economic growth in Heilongjiang province.

Sun Island celebrates song's legacy

The iconic song On the Sun Island was performed by soprano Yu Hongfei on Harbin's picturesque Sun Island 45 years after its debut.