Home>Foreign Exchanges

  • St Anthony Brass Quintet performs in Harbin


    The St Anthony Brass Quintet from Minnesota, USA, made a special show for the 32nd China Harbin Summer Music Festival at Harbin Music Hall, Northeast China’s Heilongjiang province, on Aug 9.

  • International Accordion Week opens in Harbin


    The opening concert of the 32nd Harbin China Summer Music Festival International Accordion Art Week, in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, on Aug7.

  • Sister city: Vitebsk, Belarus


    Vitebsk was established in 974 AD in northeast Belarus, as the capital of Vitebsk Oblast.

  • Sister city: Chiang Mai, Thailand


    Harbin and Chiang Mai became sister cities on April 29, 2008. Since 1999, the city of Harbin has sent more than 20 Chinese teachers to Montfort College in Chiang Mai.

  • Sisterhood partnership: Fairfax County, the United States


    Fairfax County is located in north Virginia in the United States, and it is the most populous county in the state and the largest jurisdiction in the Washington Metropolitan Area.

Novel acceptance letters dazzle future alumni

Some universities have released creative designs for their personalized acceptance letters with unique features like "golden keys".