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Harbin to further improve people's livelihoods

Updated : 2021-11-12

By ( e.my399.com )

Harbin, the capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province, announced its to-do lists for projects to improve people's livelihoods in 2021.

The lists were organized by deputies at the third plenary meeting of the sixth session of the 15th Harbin People's Congress on March 16. Some key projects are as follows:

Winter heat supply improvement

Harbin will promote the construction of heat-supply optimization projects, further improve the efficiency of building energy conservation and heating pipe network transmission, and achieve the goal of improving the quality of residential heating.

Ensuring drinking water security

Harbin will implement the Songhua River water source upward movement and the water pipeline project, which will move up the No 1 and No 2 Songhua River water purification plants to ensure the safety of the urban water supply.

Medical security level improvement

Insured persons in Harbin's municipal areas, districts and county-level cities shall enjoy the same treatment quality, and direct settlement of medical treatment within the city jurisdiction.

Harbin will carry out centralized procurement of medicines and medical consumables and explore the establishment of a medicine cross-regional alliance procurement cooperation model with Shenzhen city to further reduce the burden of medical treatment.

Elderly nursing service optimization

Harbin will explore a new model of community homecare services, further promoting the construction of community care centers for the elderly and homecare service stations.

Another 2,000 normal beds and 1,000 nursing beds will be added in elderly care institutions.

Construction of medical and healthcare facilities

Harbin will renovate the First Harbin Municipal Hospital, the Second Harbin Municipal Hospital and the Harbin Municipal Stomatological Hospital, and build the Sixth Harbin Municipal Hospital and the Harbin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

A total of 1,500 nursing beds will be added.

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.