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Aug 6 designated as Harbin Music Day

Updated : 2023-07-28

By ( e.my399.com )

Harbin, known as the "City of Music," has become the first city in China to officially have a designated day based on this theme.
On July 27, the 11th session of the 16th Harbin People's Congress Standing Committee approved the establishment of "Harbin Music Day" to be held on Aug 6 of each year.
The idea of creating a music day came from Zhang Jingfeng, a deputy at the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress. With over 30 years’ experience in the music industry, Zhang believes that as a city of music, establishing Harbin Music Day aligns with the unique characteristics of Harbin and will enhance its cultural connotations as a "City of Music," further boosting its influence and appeal.
Aug 6 has been the opening date of the Harbin Charming Summer Music Fair since its 24th edition. With a 25-year history, the fair has become a well-known brand among the local residents and has left a memorable impression on music enthusiasts both in China and abroad.
The choice of this date also coincides with the peak summer tourist season, aiming to attract the wider participation of residents and visitors alike, thus increasing the city's popularity.
As the first city-themed day named after music in China, Harbin Music Day will feature a variety of activities including performances by professional ensembles, music competitions, mass singing competitions, and music art exhibitions.
In addition, special events such as free visits to the Harbin Grand Theater, Harbin Music Hall, and Harbin Music Museum will be introduced, allowing people to share the joy of Music Day while also promoting cultural inclusivity.

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