
Harbin emphasizes preservation, utilization of historical and cultural sites

Updated : 2024-04-19

By ( e.my399.com )

Officials of Heilongjiang province on April 16 successively visited the districts of Nangang, Daowai, and Daoli in its capital city Harbin to investigate the work done to preserve and utilize historical and cultural sites.
During their visit, they said that every brick and tile of the cultural blocks and historical buildings carry the city's historical memory, as they are valuable resources that are irreplaceable and non-renewable.
The work done in Harbin's historical sites focused on doing minor renovations, maintaining the old as it is, protecting the original structure, and preserving their original street layout, historical characteristics, and cultural features. These sites also firmly reject large-scale demolition and construction.
The officials are actively exploring revitalization methods and renewal models, aiming to comprehensively promote the use of historical buildings and heritage sites, inheriting culture, and creating more attractive tourist destinations.
A special meeting was also held to hear reports on the preservation and utilization of historical and cultural cities.
The meeting noted that Harbin's blend of Chinese and Western-style cultures, its distinct red culture, and deep industrial civilization, contain many unique cultural treasures and historical relics.
It was emphasized that the city will continue to carry out emergency repairs on historical and cultural buildings, reveal more of its hidden historical treasures, and enhance its cultural charm.
The meeting also highlighted the need to create themed tour routes such as red tourism, industrial tourism, and architectural tourism. These will enrich cultural experiences, promote creative business and leisure activities, and showcase the city's long history, high-quality local products, and distinctive cuisine.

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