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Harbin issues 60 measures to optimize business environment

Updated : 2023-09-22

By ( e.my399.com )

Harbin, the capital city of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province, recently released a set of 60 measures to optimize its business environment.
They cover 20 areas of reform in various areas, such as setting up a business, processing building permits, registering properties, taxation, bankruptcy proceedings, and government services.
Six of the measures effectively reform the process of setting up a business.
They include introducing a "commitment system" for reporting business location information and allowing owners to self-declare the business's name and scope of operations.
Individual business operators are also permitted to voluntarily change operators or transform into companies. They can also simultaneously deal with tax matters and changes to the medical qualification permits. Individual online stores are allowed to change their online operating locations to offline premises.
In terms of property registration, Harbin plans to broaden the use of immovable property electronic certificates (electronic evidence) in areas such as mortgage loans, registering children for schools, and market entity registration.
In addition, Harbin will focus on key industries, including aerospace, electronic information, high-end equipment, new materials, intelligent agricultural machines, food, and medicine. The city will establish an advantageous industry group matrix and a gradient system to cultivate high-quality enterprises.

Harbin ramps up childcare services

A new comprehensive service center for childcare in Harbin is expected to be finished by the end of the year.