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Annual session of CPPCC Harbin Municipal Committee concludes

Updated : 2024-02-05

By ( e.my399.com )

The third session of the 14th CPPCC Harbin Municipal Committee concludes on Feb 4. [Photo/Ice City Plus]
The third session of the 14th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Harbin Municipal Committee concluded in Harbin, capital of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Feb 4.
The session endorsed the government work report delivered by Mayor Zhang Qixiang as well as the work reports from the Harbin Intermediate People's Court and the Harbin People's Procuratorate.
It also approved the report on the implementation of the 2023 national economic and social development plan and the 2024 draft plan for Harbin, along with the report on the execution of the 2023 fiscal budget and the 2024 fiscal budget draft for Harbin.

The third session of the 14th CPPCC Harbin Municipal Committee concludes on Feb 4. [Photo/Ice City Plus]
During the session, the assembly deliberated and passed the election method, the list of election directors, and the scrutineers. It also commended outstanding groups and individuals for their contributions to the work of the committee in 2023.
Furthermore, the conference heard the report on the review of proposals for the third session of the 14th CPPCC Harbin Municipal Committee, then deliberated and passed the resolution on it.

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